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Destroying Generational Curses

SKU: 12345678
  • Proverbs 26:2 (KJV). Where did the term generational curse arrive from? Time and time again we hear of the popular saying, “It’s the family curse.” It’s been used to explain mysterious deaths, sicknesses, diseases and financial mishaps.  This statement has been used countless times to explain the reason why illnesses seem to travel through family bloodlines. What if these widespread sayings were just the beginning of a mystery waiting to be revealed?

    In Pastor Raymond Alli’s sophomore book  Destroying  Generational Curses we are led along a journey into the unknown, yet popular phenomenon of the generational curse. This biblical based explanation of where curses derive, and how they can be broken, has proven to be a vital component of numerous families’ deliverance from the power of darkness, and freedom to experience a glory filled life with God.

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