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This book consists of a collection of revelations which the Lord has revealed to Pastor Raymond.

Revelation on the Divine Diet

SKU: 217537123517253
  • The revelations contained in this book are prophetic in their nature. Revelations of the various subjects are what have been, what is currently known or may not be known, and what will take place in future periods. Pastor Raymond Alli also receives revelations on things that exist and have new uses that man has not yet discovered. This book consists of a collection of revelations which the Lord has revealed to Pastor Raymond Alli on new creations and discoveries of plants, animals, and minerals that contain divine cures and treatments for some of mankind’s infamous diseases. These are everything from the everyday common cold to the cure for AIDS.

    Pastor Raymond Alli only speaks what the Lord tells him to speak, not speaking from any prior knowledge of the things mentioned in this book; Alli has no previous research on what has been revealed.
    For purposes of keeping his revelatory gift intact Pastor Alli has no contact with the internet, or any other media outlets that can give him an

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